About Accommodations

About Accommodations?

Accommodations include academic adjustments, auxiliary aids/services, modifications to policies/procedures, and reasonable workplace accommodations and are individualized changes provided reactively upon request to ensure access for an individual with a disability to fully participate. Not all individuals with disabilities experience the same functional limitations or access barriers so not all individuals with disabilities need accommodations. 

Accommodations are:

  • determined on an individualized, case-by-case basis, 
  • intended and necessary to provide the person with a disability meaningful access or an equal opportunity to gain the same benefits as non-disabled peers,
  • are logically connected designed to effectively address and remove the identified barrier to access.,
  • to provide full and meaningful experiences like nondisabled peers by removing disability related environmental, workplace, programmatic or curriculum access barriers.

Accommodations do not:

  • lesson expectations required as a student or employee,
  • waive or lower essential requirements of courses, programs or degrees, 
  • remove essential job functions,
  • guarantee success or an identical result or level of achievement as individuals without disabilities,
  • include personal use items/devices needed in accomplishing daily activities such as eyeglasses, hearing aids, wheelchairs, etc.

Accommodations are not reasonable if they are determined to be a fundamental alteration or are an undue administrative or financial hardship.  

Below is information and related procedures which must be adhered to utlize some approved accommodations. 

Student Accommodations